Paris: page 1
Idiorm and Paris 1.4.0 Released
After a lot of work and many contributions from valued community members Idiorm and Paris versions 1.4.0 have been released into the wild. You can download them now from their respective repositories or via Composer/Packagist. As you are probably aware from my previous posts Idiorm is a minimalist ORM that is targetted at PHP 5.2 and above. It combines a fluent query builder with a simple ORM interface to allow fast and easy access to databases over PDO. Read more ⇒
Idiorm and Paris 1.3.0 released - the minimalist ORM and fluent query builder for PHP
Idiorm is a PHP ORM that eschews complexity and deliberately remains lightweight with support for PHP5.2+. It consists of one file and primarily one class that can easily be configured in a few lines of code. There are no models to create, no convoluted configuration formats and there is no database introspection just a simple PDO connection string. However, having said this, Idiorm is very powerful and it makes most of the queries PHP applications require pain free. Read more ⇒