Linux: page 3
Installing APC and Memcached for PHP Sessions on Redhat
Installing APC on Redhat is as simple as: [user@server directory]# yum install php-pecl-apc APC should now be ready to run on your server. Try running the following command to verify it is setup; you should get something in response like mine: [user@server directory]# php -r ‘phpinfo();’ | grep ‘apc’ apc MMAP File Mask => /tmp/apc.s5jA6w apc.cache_by_default => On => On apc.coredump_unmap => Off => Off apc.enable_cli => On => On apc. Read more ⇒
PuTTY and Control + S or Ctrl + S
As you have found this page I am sure you have accidentally hit the control+s short cut whilst inside a PuTTY shell and following that no keystrokes appear to affect the session. Basically hitting ctrl+s causes PuTTY to stop executing the stream coming in from the keyboard. It does however still listen to your keystrokes and it basically adds them to a queue. Hitting control+q will re-open the stream execution, but it is worthwhile noting that it will also execute all the queued up commands as well! Read more ⇒
CrunchBang Linux on the Eee Pc
So far I have tried out Ubuntu, eeeBuntu, EasyPeasy Linux and CrunchBang Linux (all of which are Debian based) on the Asus Eee PC. Ubuntu was a bit of an annoyance to get setup and it was troublesome trying to get all the buttons or the sound and microphone to work so I then tried EasyPeasy. It was easy to install (it already contains the kernal) and I liked the NBR interface with its easy to use tabbed system not to mention that after using Ubuntu it was nice to be able to see most of the system dialogues on screen (Ubuntu’s dialogues were so long they fell off screen! Read more ⇒
A Good Windows Development Environment and Ubuntu Virtualbox
Often Linux just does it better! Often I find myself developing a Windows machine without access to a Linux development server, but I still need to access to some of the Linux binaries and features such as cron jobs, the at command and binaries such as imagemagick, pdftotext, etc. Some things can be emulated with ported binaries or through Cygwin, but I feel a lot more comfortable developing on a platform that is representative of the live server the web site will run on. Read more ⇒
Linux to Windows Server - Migrating and securing your crontab
In the PHP development arena the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) stack is very common, but once in a while a client will come through the door with a Microsoft background. So what do you do if your CMS or framework was built with a Linux base layer in mind? Sounds easy, but what if you have jobs loaded into your Linux crontab for processing mail outs or after hours records processing? Read more ⇒