Jquery: page 1
In this video, John Resig presents his 6 Secrets to becoming a j…
Firefox with Radio Inputs and it’s Annoying Autocomplete I recently had problem with Firefox’s autocomplete when using a jQuery star rating plugin. The linked article explains the problem more in depth and the code snippet below should get you going. if ($.browser.mozilla) { $("form").attr("autocomplete", "off"); } Read more ⇒
jQuery UI Datepicker appearing below Dialog
When creating a dialogue with jQuery that contains a Datepicker text input the Datepicker calendar will appear below the dialogue due to the dialogue’s z-index being higher. The easiest universal way to work around this is to include a one liner in the open event function of the initial dialogue call. $("#dialogue").dialog({ modal: true, open: function () { $("#ui-datepicker-div").css( "z-index", $(this).parents(".ui-dialog").css("z-index") + 1, ); }, }); Read more ⇒
I worked on a project while ago that required the use of iFrames to create “AJAX” file uploads. It took me a little while but I finally worked out how to get the contents of an iFrame using jQuery. To get the contents of an iFrame we need to wait until the iFramed content has finished loading as well. var iFrameBody = ""; $("#iframe").load(function () { iFrameBody = $(this).contents().find("body"); }); Read more ⇒
jQuery Using and Manipulating Select Lists
JQuery is a fantastic tool but sometimes its functionality can be obscure or doing it one way might not work in a certain browser (MSIE6 anybody!). I have often found myself trying to remember the best way to work with HTML select lists so I am compiling this list of hints for future use and I hope that you find it useful. All the examples below are written where this represents the select element of the select list. Read more ⇒