Benchmark: page 1
Simultaneously benchmark many URLs with ApacheBench and GNU parallel
Once in a while you come across situations where someone wants to know what a server can do or how many requests it can handle under a realistic load scenario. It could simply be that you want to hit a large selection of sites or even that you want to simultaneously hit a number of different pages on the same site. In my case I am testing the performance of a Drupal multisite installation where one core set of code is shared by many sites on different URLs. Read more ⇒
HHVM vs Zephir vs PHP: The showdown
Since its inception the slow running speed of PHP has been widely publicised and over the years there have been a number of improvements. The first Zend Engine arrived with PHP4 and delivered various performance enhancements (among other features). Each release since this time has delivered some sort of increased efficiency in one way or another. It has become more interesting recently however with three projects looking for improvements in different ways. Read more ⇒