Archive: page 21
For a project I am working on at the moment we are using the CamTech Merchant Gateway. A handy note to all is that it will not function on anything but Java 1.4.x. Java 5 does not work. Read more ⇒
When headphones are mentioned I immediately start thinking about Grado, Beyer and AKG. Most people only make it as far as Sennheiser, which in my opinion is a shame. Sure they do make fantastic equipment but the pricing is poor if you want a good set of what are called “monitor” or reference headphones. To the average user this may be neither here nor there however it makes a big difference to what you actually hear. Read more ⇒
A very interesting site created by a Macintosh team member, Andy Hertzfeld, with amusing stories about the hardware, software and people who created the first Macintosh computer. Read more ⇒ VPSs are nice but how do you host multiple domain email addresses? Well the above tutorial a fantastic guide on Debian Sarge. An item worthy of note is creation of the Courier SSL certificates. By default there will be a couple automatically created by Courier at install time. This are useless as your email client WILL reject them because localhost is not the same domain as etc… You need to edit both /etc/courier/pop3d. Read more ⇒
To begin with I am using Apache2 so this will not apply to Apache1.3. Apache2 uses an interesting technique for setting up Virtual Hosts, they are no longer stored in the huge httpd.conf file. They are stored in two folders, sites-available and sites-enabled. I am basing this setup on the following structure: /home/www/ -- -- htdocs -- stats -- logs -- -- htdocs -- stats -- logs To make a new Virtual Host you make a new file in the sites-available directory. Read more ⇒
A very interesting article written by Richard B. Langley of the University of New Brunswick about GMT and UTC and how they dictate world time. Well worth a read if you have always wondered. GMT UTC (TXT file) Read more ⇒
Setting up a Debian Sarge Server
Perfect Debian Setup is a very handy little article. One item of note however is that Debian Sarge doesn’t support PHP5 even in the unstable packages so you will need to use the following technique to get the PHP5 goodies from a Debian developers repository. You can browse his directory and see what is on offer at: There is also another source with less recent and a less complete collection of packages DotDeb, but as it is out of date I would not bother with it. Read more ⇒
I have reverted back to Ritlabs The Bat email client having previously used Thunderbird. When I left The Bat its HTML support was very limited and this has now been rectified in this release. Given its quicker searching of emails and faster template based email composition I had to move back over. For novice users there will be too many options but it makes life so much easier than any other client I have ever come across. Read more ⇒
The power supply unit in my Shuttle PC has died, which is really annoying as I need to be getting on with assignments. Ok so I can browse the web and check my email with the Linux box but the assignment is in VisualBasic .NET so I need Windows to run VisualStudio .NET. A really friggin annoying side to this is not being able download images from my camera. Anyway my new PSU should arrive soon, which is the new and improved quiet 250W PSU that comes in the new Shuttles. Read more ⇒
U.S. Military Cannot Operate Adobe Acrobat
There have been two recent cases of U.S. Military negligence when operating the Adobe Acrobat suite for creation of PDF files. One such incident ocurred in a report released from Iraq about an Italian agent named Nicola Calipari who was killed by the U.S. Military at checkpoint whilst attempting to rescue an Italian journalist. The PDF document contained both sensitive and unclassified information, the former of which was covered with black boxes. Read more ⇒