Archive: page 20
I have been asked numerous times in the past how I create this effect in some forum signatures so now I am releasing the code so you can see. It could equally be used as a background image in CSS (like the photo of the excavator above) so you could have a circulating series of background or in this case header images. I am sure you can think of many other neat uses for this script. Read more ⇒
Pictures of Walls is a great site with some very interesting photos of walls (with graffiti). Read more ⇒
Well I would like to say it went smoothly, but… At least its all transferred over and backed up now. This new server should be faster as well as more reliable than the old one. I even managed to get something up on Read more ⇒
I must preface this with a statement: I do not profess to be an expert on the English language. I am, in fact, quite sure you will find errors in this piece and the many others that I have and will post on this site. However it somewhat irks me that supposedly well educated people cannot adhere to even some of the most basic principles of the language. A quite ridiculous mistake I hear quite often around people who claim to have completed tertiary studies of some kind is the overuse of the word me. Read more ⇒
I have been setting up a mail server of which smtp is an integral part. I could access it through my old net connection at home and I can through work but I am currently staying somewhere with Optus Cable. They block port 25! I called their tech support to confirm, he did say it was possible to have to port re-opened for this individual connection. But I am not the account holder. Read more ⇒
During a recent project I ended up using ADODB and found it very effective. Especially the wrapper it places around PHPs sessions, it stores them in the DB instead of in the temp directory, which can be less secure. It also handles encryption of the session variables contents, but only using MD5 originally and I prefer to use SHA1. So I hacked the following to allow me to do so and I contributed it to ADODB. Read more ⇒
As some of you will know I have finished uni and now work as php developer for Go4 Multimedia and as such I am currently between houses and I do not have regular access to the net where I am staying. Read more ⇒
A very nice article: Keeping SSH access secure I use the following in /etc/ssh/sshd_config: AllowUsers username PermitRootLogin no Which kills root login access to the server meaning you will need to login as the username provided in AllowUsers and then su to root (eg. su root) or sudo the commands if you have sudo setup (apt-get install sudo). You may also wish to change the port through which SSH occurs by adding: Read more ⇒
A great little addition to all Apache server installations. Install it via: apt-get install libapache2-mod-security Then create a symbolic link so that the mod is enabled: ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/mod-security.load mod-security.load Setup the config for the module in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf Mine looks like the file attached at the end of the article. Then kick over Apache2: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart You can now run the tests to see how well mod security is working for you: Read more ⇒
Some hints and tips for producing secure PHP code. Some tips are gems others are less so. Read more ⇒