Archive: page 19
I did not realise it but it has been almost 6 months since the last update to this website. So I guess I have been busier than I thought of late! Anyway I created a new design for the site and added some features which I felt were lacking. I had planned to write my own blogging engine, but when I tried the upgrade to Textpattern 4.0.4 I realised that most of the things that annoyed me about previous releases had been fixed and improved. Read more ⇒
I recently had a server go offline, taking with it the DNS for my main email domain. I had long suspected this would be a major potential problem in the setup. When the server went down the DNS settings where not backed up by the hosting company so all of a sudden people emailing me started to encounter bounce backs and I could not work out why. Then it dawned on me that when the server died something must have gone missing. Read more ⇒
This goes straight onto the list of todos ( just as soon as I get those tickets to Berlin! Awesome idea and congratulations to Florian for realising his dream! I only wish I had seen this website/museum before now. Read more ⇒
I have been looking through my hosts logs of late and I have noticed an ever increasing amount of referrer spam. Now whilst this is of no real concern to me as I do not use referrer logs or display them anywhere it is however really quite annoying to see this type of thing in your logs. Apparently its not a new scam even though I have only started see it from the beginning of this year. Read more ⇒
Information below can be used to make remotes for Canon EOS SLR cameras. I built a time delay remote that allows me to take time-delay/interval photographs. Canon wired remote (DIY): Using a Canon TC-80N3 remote on 2.5mm plug cameras (best but expensive): [\_astro/18/9438.html]( [\_review\_canon\_300d.php]( Tutorials: Delay/Timer circuits (mostly 555 IC based): [\_30337/article.html]( [\_timer.html]( [\_1217/rts.html]( Read more ⇒
I have updated the sites backend code. Thought I would change the looks at the same time. So a nice simple new layout. Enjoy. Read more ⇒
How does this tripe get 75% at It was obvious from the very beginning that this was going to be a very ordinary movie. The references to the actions of Guy Fawkes were over stylised. Through out the movie I felt like I was being treated like an idiot. Natalie Portman’s character (Evie) is rescued, by a masked man, from the local police (line men) and she follows him onto a roof top! Read more ⇒
These videos are fantastic: Average Homeboy Fight scene from Undefeatable Garbage Day Read more ⇒
They lied to us then. They continue to lie to us now. They did not even bother to plan. They will continue to lie to us in the future. I need say no more. Read more ⇒
Form SPAM (not "HAM") fighting tips
A site that I have up called Alfa Romeo Sprint QV has recently been the target of malicious spammers and/or their robots. The messages mainly consisted of porn and poker sites. Now the script used to generate the Your Sprints section of the site was written a long time ago when spamming forms and blogs was not a common occurrence and my site had a relative small readership and no Google rank or anything like that. Read more ⇒