I was recently invited to speak about functional programming in PHP for both BrightonPHP and PHP Hampshire. The details of which are in a previous blog post.

If you attended either talk and you’ve yet to leave feedback then please do on the respective Joind.in pages:

You can view the slides from the sessions on my website. I created the slides using reveal.js and my pandoc boilerplate project.

The main take-aways from the talk are:

  • Avoid state
  • Keep things small
  • Make reusable components
  • Separate logic from data

These principles apply no matter whether you’re writing in a functional style or object oriented approach. Learning functional programming is great idea even if you do not intend to use it day to day. Things you learn in a functional paradigm are directly applicable to your object oriented code too.

You should follow @BrightonPHP and @PHPHants to keep up to date with these meetups in the future.

I enjoyed presenting at both events and it was great to meet you all!


If you are interested in finding out more about my book on functional programming in PHP or to subscribe for notification of its release please visit functionalphp.com or follow @FunctionalPHP on Twitter.